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Episode 23 – Socialism, Aliens, and Baby Carrots

In this episode: I answer a fan’s question about extra terrestrials, fart into the microphone, make the most of a technical problem, and talk about the socialist philosophy of MLK and Eugene V. Debs. Support the podcast with as little as $1/month:...

Episode 22 – The Horn

In this episode: I share something embarrassing about myself, play a song, talk about kids growing horns, and extol the benefits of yoga and meditation. Support the podcast with as little as $1/month: Insta & Twit:...

Episode 21 – Mom

In this episode: I interview my mom! We talk about her Irish and Polish parents, her upbringing in Pueblo (and the escapees from the hospital there), how she met my dad at a biker bar, and what things result from green beer at Lake Tahoe. Support the podcast with as...

Episode 20 – Hi, Alysia!

In this episode: The talented Alysia Carreras stops by the apartment for an hour long conversation about New York Puerto Ricans, Southern accents, racists in Illinois, Catholic school, and I nearly set a row of church-goers ablaze (on accident). Alysia’s Insta:...

That Thing PSA

Hello friends. I am unable to upload a new episode of That Thing this weekend. I would if I had one recorded already, but so far I’ve only been recording the day before (or the day of) upload. Some unforeseeable personal issues have come up (don’t worry,...